30 October It happened today…….



1485  King Henry VII of England establishes the Yeoman of the Guard.

1823  Edmund Cartwright, inventor of the power loom, dies.

1905  In his October Manifesto, the Tsar of Russia, agrees to grant civil liberties and elections.

1911  To combat support for the republican army of Sun Yat Sen, China’s boy emperor grants a constitution.

1925  Office boy, William Taynton, is the first person captured by television in John Logie Baird’s workshop.

1967  Rolling Stone, Brian Jones, jailed for drug offences.




1974  Muhammad Ali knocks out George Foreman in 8th round in Kinshasa to retain world heavyweight title.

1979  Death of Sir Barnes Wallis, inventor of the “bouncing bomb”.

1984  The body of Fr Jerzy Popieluszko, outspoken critic of communism, found by police in reservoir in Wloclawek, Poland.

1988  Rev Sun Myung Moon presides over mass wedding ceremony in Yongin, South Korea, when 6516 couples are married.

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